Newton Tony Primary School (CE VC)

'Love One Another As I Have Loved You' (John 15:12)

* Last day of term Friday 20th December *
Nurse Gowen to the rescue

Keeping Our Children Safe

At Newton Tony Primary School we recognise that our primary responsibility is to safeguard and promote the welfare of the children, and that everyone who comes into contact with children has a role to play in that. As part of our safeguarding policy and in line with our PREVENT Duty, we promote tolerance and respect for all cultures, faiths and lifestyles, and expect our visitors to share this commitment. Safeguarding is an important part of our everyday life. Our staff  maintain an attitude of ‘it could and does happen here’ where safeguarding is concerned, they maintain professional curiosity and zero-tolerance to child on child abuse and sexual violence and harassment between children. Please be vigilant and share any concerns if you think a child is at risk of harm either at school, within a family setting or in the wider community.

Sharing Worries

We actively encourage children to share their worries and concerns.  We have a worry box and worry monster for children to write down their worries if they feel they cannot initially talk about them. We use the JIGSAW PSHE programme which promotes the importance of valuing discussion.  We are proud to have our Silver Anti-bullying award and include our school council when reviewing our school leaflet.  We take part in the Anti-bullying alliance and Online Safety programmes. We also promote the NSPCC events and the importance of Childline.

We consider Safeguarding everyone’s responsibility. To support this we use ‘CPOMS’ to share information within our staffing team and when transferring information to other schools.  We work in partnership with Wiltshire Safeguarding Vulnerable People Partnership and the Wiltshire LA Safeguarding Effectiveness Team. If you would like a copy of our School Safeguarding Action Plan please contact Miss Priestley.

Designated roles within the school: 

Designated Safeguarding Lead/PREVENT Lead: Miss Priestley

Nominated Safeguarding Governor: Mr Brinkworth

Attendance Lead: Miss Priestley

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead: Mrs Hillier

Fire Marshalls: Miss Priestley, Mrs Leatham and Mrs Sweeney

Looked After Children designated teacher: Miss Priestley

Senior Mental Health Lead: Mrs Hillier

Emotional Learning Support Assistant: Mrs Sweeney

Visiting the school

Please contact the school office prior to your visit to schedule your visit.  You will be asked to show your DBS certificate if you will be accessing the school unaccompanied.  Please be prepared to show your ID and register your visit when you enter the school building.  You will also be asked to wear an identification badge on an orange lanyard if you access the school grounds. On arrival, our Safeguarding and Fire procedures will be explained to you.  Please read our Safeguarding Information and related policies that are the school website , we can also provide a hard copy on request.

Safeguarding visitor Leaflet


FGM Factsheet

TikTok Advice for Schools

Stop it Now

School Fire Safety Training

Guidance for young people 

Getting help to overcome abuse – guide for young people

Poster – What children need to know about online bullying

Poster – Advice for young people about helping a friend

Guidance for parents/carers

Support agencies for children and young people

Poster – What parents need to know about online grooming

Poster – What parents need to know about The App Store

Poster – What parents need to know about Snapchat

Poster – What parents need to know about Grand Theft Auto

Poster – What parents need to know about screen addiction 

Poster – 7 questions to help parents talk about online safety

Child Criminal Exploitation (CCE) advice for parents

NSPCC resources – (parent.carer.schools)

 Whistle Blowing

Whistleblowing- Child-Friendly Version

NSPCC whistleblowing poster