Newton Tony Primary School (CE VC)

'Love One Another As I Have Loved You' (John 15:12)

* Squirrels class swimming lessons start Thursday 9th January *

Preparing for the transition to Secondary school is an exciting and slightly daunting time for both parents and children. We recognise this by providing our Year 6 children with the opportunity to participate in a six week ELSA programme to prepare for Secondary School in the Summer Term. We also send home information about Y5 taster days. Please share this link of ‘Celebrity Top Tips’ with your child to help support starting Secondary school Bitesize -starting-secondary-school/

It is a good idea to visit the Secondary schools you are considering to gain knowledge of how they run and to meet the staff and pupils. We also recommend that you look at the school website which will provide you with the schools prospectus to help you decide which schools would be most likely to meet your child’s needs. Schools are regularly inspected by The Office for Standards in Education (OfSTED). Report summaries can be obtained from the individual school, local libraries or

Follow this link for advice for parents who have children starting Secondary school Preparing-your-child-and-yourself-for-secondary-school/

How do I apply?

If you apply online (from 1st September) you do not need to complete a paper application. We recommend that you apply online. You can make changes to your application for a September 2025 intake place up until the deadline. The deadline date for Secondary Schools is 31st October 2024.

Follow this link to apply online

For more information and timeline of events follow this link

A message from Wiltshire LA : Important things to know

  • It is the responsibility of the parents/ carers to apply for a school place
  • You can apply for up to three schools, putting the school you want the most as your first preference. We strongly advise you to use all three preferences
  • We advise you to enter your catchment area school as one of your preferences
  • If you live in Wiltshire and want to apply for a school place outside the county, you must still make your application to Wiltshire Council. We will pass on your application details to the relevant council where it will be considered alongside the other applications for that school
  • If you do not live in Wiltshire and want to apply for a Wiltshire school, you must make an application to your own local authority. They will then pass on your application details to us. You will not be able to use the Wiltshire online application system or Wiltshire’s paper application form. The only exception to this would be applications from children of UK service personnel
  • We will acknowledge receipt of your application. If you do not receive acknowledgement of your paper application within 15 school days of returning your completed form, contact Customer Services at Wiltshire Council on 01225 713010
  • All online applicants will receive immediate email confirmation of registration and once the application has been submitted a separate confirmation email will be sent.

Applications for Grammar schools

Parents who wish to apply for a place  at  grammar school for their child should contact the school directly for details of the entrance exams.

Bishop Wordsworth’s School (Grammar 11+)

South Wilts Grammar School (Grammar 11+)

When will I find out which school my child has been offered?

If you have applied before the deadline then the notification dates will be on the 3rd March 2025. If you apply online you will be able to log back into the online system on national offer date to view the outcome of your application. Please note, in order to log back on to the system and view the outcome of your application on national offer day, you will need you username and password.

When is the deadline to accept an offer?

The deadline to accept an offer is 17th March 2025. If you have been refused a place at your preferred school you can appeal and request that your child’s name is added to the waiting lists. Further information will be contained in the decision letter that will be posted out to you on national offer day

Below is a list of Secondary schools in the local area,  click on the links to visit the Hampshire and Wiltshire websites:

Avon Valley College

The Burgate School

St Edmunds School

John Hanson School

St Joseph’s catholic school

Sarum Academy

Stonehenge School

The Wellington Academy

Wyvern Colle