Newton Tony Primary School (CE VC)

'Love One Another As I Have Loved You' (John 15:12)

* Viking Workshop Y5/6 17th October *






We celebrate our partnership with Little Troopers. Our British Armed Forces children and your families have access to child-focused support, providing fundamental resources and initiatives. We support Christmas ‘Smiles’. The Little Trooper’s festive campaign which aims to bring smiles to the faces of children whose parents are deployed over Christmas.  Just create a free login and you will  have access to lots of fun resources

Service Premium

The government provides a Service Premium for families.  We use some of this funding to provide termly enrichment trips for our service children.   We will also provide pastoral support with our ELSA (Emotional Learning Support) programme, to support the emotional needs of our children especially when their parents are posted. Our school receives an extra £340 service premium a year for each child from a service family. Please inform us if you are a current serving service family or have been within the last 6 years. 

 Find out about your entitlement to service premium

Find out more about child care for service children

SEND and military families

Wiltshire has one of the largest UK’s largest military communities thanks to the number of military establishments that operate within our borders, and veterans choosing to remain or return to live here.  They are passionate about supporting and understanding the needs of all residents, that includes those service members who have the unique requirements aligned with military life.  To read more about Wiltshire’s commitment to improving and maintaining positive integration to local communities, services and support visit:

Kings Camps 

In partnership with the RNRMC for naval families and Annington and the Army Welfare Service for Army families, there are a number of camps at Military Establishments. Serving personnel can book places for their own children at a subsidised cost of £90 per week (MOD/ Veterans: £170 for Multi Active – please follow the link below for booking details

The Armed Forces Education Trust 

We work closely with The Armed Forces Education Trust, who provide educational grants.

HIVE Tidworth