Newton Tony Primary School (CE VC)

'Love One Another As I Have Loved You' (John 15:12)

* Tuesday 11th February Year 5 and 6 Trip to London *

Welcome to our Year 3 and Year 4 Squirrels Class

Spring Term

Our Big Question this term is "Does anyone wake up hungry?"
Number Day
We all wore clothes with numbers on and did number activities all morning.
We made prototypes to hold a digital mindful moments timer. We used ipads and micro:bits to programme the timers.

Autumn Term

Our Big Question this term is "How can I make a difference?"


We wore our Christmas jumpers. We made shoes for St Nicholas to fill and he did! No sticks for anyone in Squirrels Class! We designed and decorated our own Christmas plates. We made magic calendars! We had a craft morning where our parents joined us to make some fabulous Christmas items! We also had a school Christmas disco!

D.T. - fastenings

We made book covers. We had to make a template, cut out the fabric, thread our own needles, sew the fabric together and then add a button. We all made amazing covers!


We have been learning about muscles and bones. We have also thought about what we need to eat to keep our bodies healthy.


We have been doing gymnastics this term.

Odd socks for anti-bullying day


We thought about what water symbolises. We identified the difference between a ‘Gospel’, which tells the story of the life and teaching of Jesus, and a letter. We thought about what texts about baptism and Trinity might mean.

D.T. Slingshot cars

We made slingshot cars and then tested them on the playground.

Divali dance workshop

We took part in a Divali dance workshop.


We are thinking about whether celebrating Divali at home and in the community brings a feeling of belonging to a Hindu child. We have heard the story of Rama and Sita and thought about the five days of Divali. We have made paper Diva lamps and then made our own Diva lamps out of clay.

Fire safety

We have had training in what to do when there is a fire at home.


We are looking at light and shadow. We have looked at opaque, translucent and transparent materials to see how this affects shadows. We have used a light meter to see what type of materials reflect light. We have looked at how shadows change depending on where the light source is.


We have been taking texture rubbings to create nature-inspired artwork in the style of Max Ernst and botanical artist Maud Purdy.


We visited Stonehenge. We walked around the stones and learnt about how they arrived in Wiltshire. We then learnt about a Bronze Age burial in a barrow - there are 200 around Stonehenge! We looked in prehistory houses and looked at the tools they used.