Newton Tony Primary School (CE VC)

'Love One Another As I Have Loved You' (John 15:12)

* Tuesday 11th February Year 5 and 6 Trip to London *


Welcome to our Year 5 and Year 6 Badgers Class!
Our Class Teachers are Mrs Clarke and Mrs Biles.  Our Teaching Assistant is Mrs Leatham!
Welcome back to school everyone! It is so lovely to see you all!
 PE is on a Tuesday and a Friday so please come in your PE kit on those days. We have yoga this term on a Tuesday, so don’t forget your yoga mats!
Our key line of enquiry for the Spring Term is- 'Does Anyone Wake Up Hungry?'
Dodgeball Champions- congratulations on winning your matches!
Tudor Workshop

We had a fantastic time finding all about the Tudor period. We got to handle Tudor weapons and artefacts and find out how to use a bow and arrow. In the afternoon, we learned how to play Tudor board games and dance Tudor dances. The Washerwoman dance was very funny!
Remembrance Day Artwork
Our Viking visitor!
We were lucky enough to have a Viking visit us! We spent the day learning about (and practising!) Viking battle tactics! We were able to have a closer look at some artefacts. We also learned how to play some real Anglo-Saxon and Viking board games. Thank you to Historic workshops for a great day!
Fire Safety Workshop
We were taught the fundamentals of fire safety from an expert. We then had to work together to investigate the sources of different fires, using the evidence to come to our conclusions!
Exploring mixtures and separation- some of our science experiments!
Were Vikings raiders, settlers or Traders?
We have been investigating whether Vikings were raiders in History! We acted as archaeologists to search for 'artefacts' and to practise making inferences from them! We then studied primary sources from the Viking era.