Newton Tony Primary School (CE VC)

'Love One Another As I Have Loved You' (John 15:12)

* Parent's curriculum meetings next week *


Welcome to our Year 5 and Year 6 Badgers Class!
Our Class Teachers are Mrs Clarke and Mrs Biles.  Our Teaching Assistant is Mrs Leatham!
Welcome back to school everyone! It is so lovely to see you all!

We are doing Forest School this term on a Wednesday. PE is on a Tuesday and a Friday so please come in your PE kit on those days!

Our key line of enquiry for the Summer Term is- 'What is a world without colour?'

History Projects and D-Day

It has been such a joy to see how the children’s history skills have developed this year. They have learned to evaluate historical significance, have learned how to analyse census data and have used a range of historical sources to investigate our local area. 

Today we remembered the 80th anniversary of the D-Day landings. The children have researched and created their own posters, fact-files and booklets about the event.





Congratulations to our Mini-Marathon runners! Well done. 

Crazy Creatures
We were fascinated when Crazy Creatures came to visit with a selection of creatures from around the world. We learnt about giant millipedes, cockroaches, blue tongued skinks, turtles, tarantulas and got very excited when Ian brought a snake out for us to see, too!

To celebrate breakdancing being an Olympic event for the very first time this year, we had a professional breakdancing workshop. Jack taught us our own 'break' routine and we absolutely loved it!
Watch us learning the routine with Jack.
Watch some of our solo performances!

Music- Pacobel’s Cannon

We have been learning about key composers of the Baroque music movement; in this lesson, we read music to play  ‘Pacobel’s Cannon’!

History- Using primary sources!

This term we have been learning how to use primary sources from the Victorian era to investigate the lives of ordinary people! We have used census data alongside interview extracts to discover more about the life of Mary Bucktrout, a girl who was a flax-spinner. We had great fun hot-seating each other today to get into character and interview ‘Mary’!


Protest Art

The children created some really wonderful artwork focussing on topics they were passionate about, using mixed media to create a collage effect. The children’s messages were about topics such as friendship, celebrating who you are, protecting the environment and spreading peace!


World Book Day

We had a lot of fun dressing up as pirates today for World Book Day! We have been working hard in class to create our own versions of ‘Interview with a pirate’ so it was great to get into character! We have spent the day celebrating books, with lots of time to read, play different book characters, take part in quizzes and make reading-related arts and crafts.

Working scientifically

Is our world unique- how are flowers unique?

We dissected daffodils in science to learn more about plant reproduction. We identified and sketched the sepals, petals, pistils and stamens!

We have learned that one method of plant reproduction produces identical clone offspring from one parent, whereas the other produces more variety.





British Museum Trip

We had a fantastic time revisiting the British Museum! This year, we were able to apply our learning about the Ancient Greeks. We also revised our work on Ancient Egyptians and Ancient Britain! We were able to see artefacts we had learned about in class, like the Sutton Hoo helmet, up close in real life! In class this term, we will be using our historical skills to evaluate the historical significance of famous and lesser known individuals, such as Alfred the Great, Mary Seacole and Lily Parr.

Our key Line of Enquiry for the Autumn Term is ‘What does a hero look like?’ 
We visited the Winchester Science Centre and Planetarium and explored our understanding of Science.  We debated whether we felt Albert Einstein was a hero. 

PE- Rock and Roll Dancing

We have had a fantastic time this term learning all about how to create a 50’s style rock and roll dance. We have really been enjoying learning about heel-toe walks, spins and kick jumps, and choreographing our own dances!

We learned about heroes in history and designed class presentations. We used our STEM sentences to support our opinions during our debate eg. I agree because.  

Click on the links below to read some of our presentations: 
After our Church Harvest Worship, Year 6 visited Salisbury Food Bank to deliver our food collection. We dropped off 90kg of food to support local families in need. We had a tour and helped unload our delivery. We appreciate our local volunteers and think they are local heroes.  If you would like to donate find out more information

During Art Club we designed and made a representation of our favourite hero.
We visited the British Museum in London. We deepened our understanding of the heroes of Ancient Greeks and the Ancient Egyptians. We explored some of the other displays which were fascinating !