Newton Tony Primary School (CE VC)

'Love One Another As I Have Loved You' (John 15:12)

* Viking Workshop Y5/6 17th October *


We take part in a wide range of sporting opportunities and we are proud to participate in the Avon Valley and Amesbury Cluster school sports festivals and competitions.  We actively encourage every child to try new experiences and offer a range of sporting activities in partnership with PH Sports.  Children in our Badger class are trained as Junior Sports Leaders and organise our daily lunchtime activities.  We actively encourage less active children to join in with this club and introduce personal challenge targets to develop and expand their sporting experiences.

We celebrate sporting achievements with parents every Friday in our Well Done Worship and in our Newsletters.  Children are encouraged to explain how they achieved their badges, certificates and awards.  We link our values to competition expectations and we are often praised for our excellent sportsmanship qualities.  Click on the following link to find out more information on keeping active with your family

Avon Valley School Games partnership

Collette Harries is the School Games Organiser who is based at Avon Valley College.  Their mission is to keep competitive sport at the heart of Schools and provide more young people with the opportunity to compete and achieve their personal best.  We are part of this mission so follow this link below to find out more !

Change 4 Life 

Change4Life is here to help your family be healthier and happier by eating well and moving more. Follow this link for more details:

10 minute shake up time !