Our aim is that each child leaves our school equipped for lifelong learning remembering it with happiness.
We value achievement and success in all areas of children’s lives. We encourage parents and children to celebrate out of school achievements in Friday ‘Golden Leaf’ worships. Our school recognises that our exceptional pastoral care provides children with the tools to succeed academically.
Join us in celebrating our 2024 School Results Headlines
More children in our EYFS Hedgehogs class achieved a ‘Good Level of Development’ compared to the National and Wiltshire LA average.
More children in Year 1 and Year 2 achieved the expected standard in the phonics screening check compared to National and Wiltshire LA average.
More children in our Year 2 KS1 achieved the combined ‘Expected’ and ‘Greater Depth’ Standards in Reading, Writing and Maths, compared to the National and Wiltshire LA average.
More children in our Year 6 KS2 SATS achieved a higher standard in Writing and Maths than the Wiltshire LA average. More children achieved combined Reading, Writing and Maths than the Wiltshire average.
Year R EYFS Good Level of Development
A higher percentage of our EYFS children (79%) achieved a Good Level of Development compared to Wiltshire LA (69%) and National average (68%).
Year 1 Phonics Screening Check
A higher percentage of our Year 1 children (92%) achieved the required threshold for the Phonics Screening Check compared to Wiltshire LA (81%) and National average (80%).
Year 4 Multiplication Tables Check Benchmark 2024
A higher percentage of our Y4 children scored within the higher range (20-25) , compared to Wiltshire LA and National average.
KS2 SATS Results 2024
Our Year 6 data has been suppressed. In certain circumstances the DfE will suppress an establishment’s data. This is usually when there are 5 or fewer pupils. The DfE avoid making these figures public to protect individual privacy.