Newton Tony Primary School (CE VC)

'Love One Another As I Have Loved You' (John 15:12)

* Squirrels class swimming lessons start Thursday 9th January *

Collective Worship

In Newton Tony Primary School CE VC collective worship is central to the life of our school and is the main platform for exploring our school’s vision. It is well planned and of high quality so that the whole school community is engaged on a journey of discovery, exploring the teachings of Jesus and the Bible.   Collective worship in our Church school aims to enable every child and adult to flourish and to live life in all its fullness.  It will help educate for wisdom, knowledge and skills, hope and aspiration, dignity and respect, and developing community and understanding of living well together. Every half term we decide on a theme for our worship, we consider the Fruits of the Spirit, our school values and the needs of our school family when making decisions. We work closely with the Bridge and also our cluster schools when considering shared themes.  

This half term our worship value is Self-Control.  Our big question is : How Can We Make Our School a happier and safer place? 

Click on the link for our Collective Worship Long Term Overview Long Term Collective Worship overview

Click here to read our whole school long term worship planning cycles A and B Overview RE CYCLE A Overview RE CYCLE B

For more information about our worship click on this link to read our Collective Worship Policy Collective worship policy 2024

Worship Warriors: Our worship warriors are a key team when planning worship across the school. They enjoy planning with the head teacher using the Inclusive, Invitational and Inspiring Church of England guidance.  Click on our planning template Newton Tony Primary School Worship Warrior Planning. Each class plans and organises their own class worship using the principles of: Gather, Engage, Respond and Send. They also plan our Bible Reading Worship every Thursday including puppets and actions. You are welcome to follow our links to join in with our weekly bible story. Please ask at the office if you would like to borrow a bible.

Click on our Bible Story Pathway : Worship Warriors bible timeline  If you would like more information about events in the bible please click on the following link 50 Major Events in the Bible Storyline

Music: Every term, we choose different types of music that link to our theme.  This term we have listened to: 


St Andrew’s Church: We have a close partnership with our local church, which is only about 100 metres from the school. Peter Ostli-East is our Foundation Governor and also the local Reverend. We regularly visit the church for Harvest, Christmas, Easter and our Leavers Service. We also invite parents/carers to our Friday Celebration Worship every week, to join us to celebrate our school values and children’s achievements.  

 Home Worship:  If you would like to worship from home the Oak National Academy have a range of assemblies and faith worships There are opportunities for you to hear from some inspirational guest speakers, and to think and talk about wider things affecting us.  You can also join us in prayer :

You can watch the assemblies at any time.

These are some of our favourites:

Coronation Collective Worship Primary

Kindness assembly with the Duchess of Cambridge
Hope assembly
Togetherness assembly (this is for older children so watch first and decide if your child is mature enough to watch this content)
Resilience assembly
Wellbeing assembly