Newton Tony Primary School (CE VC)

'Love One Another As I Have Loved You' (John 15:12)

* Tuesday 11th February Year 5 and 6 Trip to London *

We are proud of the nurturing environment that is promoted by children and adults at the school.  We are also proud to be a UNICEF’s Rights Respect School Award. I am also delighted that we have achieved our Silver Award from the Altogether School Anti-bullying Programme. This award recognises the work that we have all done to reduce bulling and improve our well being.

Every November, we participate in Anti-Bullying Week.   This year,  we participated in Odd Socks day.  We celebrated that we are all different and all equal. Please ask your child to complete the following Survey as part of the Anti-Bullying Alliance programme:

Each class explored: –

  • The definition of respect
  • That bullying is a behaviour choice
  • That we can respectfully disagree with each other i.e. we don’t have to be best friends or always agree with each other but we do have to respect each other
  • That we all need to choose to respect each other both face to face and online

What can I do if my child or another child is being bullied?

  • explain to them that the child has to be brave and tell someone and get it sorted out
  • listen
  • ask them to write down their worries in the worry box or monster (in library at school)
  • ask them to speak to an adult at home. 
  • explain that they could speak to their friends or an adult at school.  The Rights Respect Warriors (aka School Council) have re-designed our Say No to Bullying Leaflet. Click to see our Say No to Bullying leaflet
  • Watch One Kind Word 2021 Anti-Bullying Alliance film
  • if you or someone you know are being bullied:- Tell an adult you know or contact Childline 0800 1111  phone childline from home or school
  • click on the links below to find out more information about anti-bullying
  • anti-bullyingalliance
  • youngminds
  • bullying-at-schoo