Newton Tony Primary School (CE VC)

'Love One Another As I Have Loved You' (John 15:12)

* Squirrels class swimming lessons start Thursday 9th January *

Our approach to teaching and learning faith

Our children are taught Religious Education following the guidance in the Wiltshire RE Syllabus. We provide meaningful hands on experiences using Understanding Christianity, Discovery RE and other resources.  Children are also taught to compare Christianity to a wide range of religious instruction including Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism and Islam. We also compare the ideology linked to the Ancient Greek, Roman and Egyptian gods and goddesses.  We also discuss the theories of evolution and contemplate if Science and Christianity can complement each other. Visit our RE curriculum page for more details.


How do we fit into the bigger picture?

Our holistic approach ensures children are prepared to reflect and deepen their understanding of their beliefs.   We also encourage children to consider how they fit into the bigger picture and their own spirituality.  Children are encouraged to record their ideas linked to our Christian values and Spirituality in our worship theme books. You are welcome to share our books if you visit our school. Christian values are taught across the curriculum and also used to enrich fund raising. We encourage children to develop their own set of values which encompass our school values:  Love, Hope, Courage and Forgiveness.