Newton Tony Primary School (CE VC)

'Love One Another As I Have Loved You' (John 15:12)

* Tuesday 11th February Year 5 and 6 Trip to London *

How do we teach spelling?

 We teach daily spelling in EYFS and Y1 as part of the Little Wandle Phonics programme.  See our Phonics tab for more information. In Year 2, when children complete the Little Wandle programme they transition to the Little Wandle ‘Bridge to Spelling’ programme.  Children are supported to build the alphabetic code with this programme and it provides a seamless link from the core Little Wandle Letters and Sounds programme, to learning spelling in Year 2 and above. All spelling lessons follow the familiar structure of Little Wandle phonics lessons, supporting children to make links to their phonics learning.

How do we ensure a smooth transition from the Little Wandle core programme?

Bridge to Spelling lessons build on prior knowledge to ensure children always start from a point of secure understanding. Click here to learn about the Bridge for Spelling progression overview: Spelling programme progression

How are spellings taught in Year 3 upwards?

In Y3-Y6, we teach the SCODE spelling programme. The SCODE Rationale is a phonics based system which teaches advanced phonic code. Our children study etymology providing the background knowledge that gives spelling meaning !  Click on the links for more information, please note we start form Year 3 upwards: 

 Long term spelling overview 


Information and videos:

Welcome to SCODE Parent letter

SCODE Rationale

Please take some time to watch the parent explainer videos

From Year 1, children practise spelling tricky words and focus words as part of their spelling frame home learning. The expectation is that children practise for 15 minutes every day and the login information is in the communication books.

Spelling Shop

Children who demonstrate good progress and are trying their best. can earn spelling credits. These credits can be exchanged at the spelling shop once a child reaches 20 spelling credits. The Rights Respect Warriors (school council) help source the spelling shop items.