I_am_autistic_card_2024 (printable)
Many members of the public don’t understand autism and how things they take for granted might cause difficulties for people on the spectrum. This card is a great way for you to let them know you are autistic and that you may need some extra time or help in certain situations. We are happy to print out a card for you to use. Just contact the school office. For more support follow the link https://www.autism.org.uk/
Click on the link for more information and support about Dyslexia and Dyscalculia
Free workshop
Please find attached a flyer about a free Dyslexia Workshop for parents and carers. This session will allow parents and carers to find out what dyslexia is, how schools and other agencies in Wiltshire identify and support literacy difficulties, and ways to help at home. If you would like to participate, can you let Mrs Paige know so we can send you the joining link. Flyer_SSENSOM0125T001
The links below provide useful ideas and online resources to help support your family:
- Signposting for support
- SEND parents/carers free newsletter sign up
- family-action.org.uk/what-we-do/children-families/wiltshire-sendiass/
- wiltshireparentcarercouncil.
- SEND-Education-Guide
- localoffer.wiltshire.gov.uk/
- Wellbeing-and-send-resources-for-home-education special-educational-needs-and-disabilities
- Online-education-resources
- anncrafttrust.org/helping-my-autistic-child-stay-safe-online/