Newton Tony Primary School (CE VC)

'Love One Another As I Have Loved You' (John 15:12)

* Squirrels class swimming lessons start Thursday 9th January *

As stated in the Church of England Statement of Entitlement for Religious Education, our school aims for all our children to know about and understand major world religions and world views.  Our school council choose a big question every half term to debate issues that impact on society, culture and the wider world.  We encourage our children to appreciate the diversity, continuity and change within world religions and worldviews. Every week, our Year 6 Rights Respect Warriors lead a group that discuss the ‘Picture News’ big questions. Children across the school can join the group and use STEM questions to debate eg.  Is it better to recycle or reuse?  We actively encourage our children to consider injustice across the world and in our own community.  Children in Badgers class have made a display about modern day injustice in the school and taken part in the Salisbury Cathedral Anti Modern Day Slavery Art Exhibition.  We discussed the impact of modern day war on children’s mental health across the world.


Spirituality – how do we fit in to the bigger picture?

Our approach to the curriculum actively promotes spirituality. This contributes to our children developing their own spiritual and philosophical convictions, exploring and enriching their beliefs, ways of living, thinking and values. Every term we link our subjects to a key line of enquiry.  This term we are debating ‘Is our world unique?’ Last term, children had the opportunity to consider heroes across time and place, in our homes, school, community and globally.  Discussing the qualities of these heroes and how our school values fit in to a bigger picture.  Many of our parents are in the Armed Forces and have shown acts of bravery and courage whilst protecting our country and other countries around the world.



Teaching and Learning

We teach Christianity as a living and diverse faith, focusing on the teachings of Jesus and the Church, alongside a range of religions and worldviews.  We encourage pupils to learn from different religions, beliefs, values and traditions while creating a safe space for them to explore their own beliefs and questions of meaning. We value children learning about other cultures and religions through exploring artefacts.  We also welcome visitors to bring the RE curriculum to life.




Our planning overviews are from Discovery RE and Understanding Christianity. 

Click here to read our RE overview Understanding-Christianity-and-Discovery RE

Our teachers planning is detailed and sequenced so our children develop secure long-term understanding, building on previous learning. Due to our mixed age classes we follow a two year cycle.  Our assessment opportunities allow for accurate planning enabling children to know and remember more.


We aim for pupils to be inspired by RE and that through their learning they will develop a wide range of skills such as enquiry, analysis, interpretation, evaluation and reflection, to deepen their understanding of the impact of religion on the world.

Read our RE policy for more information about withdrawing your child from RE lessons. RE-Policy-2024.docx.pdf