Newton Tony Primary School (CE VC)

'Love One Another As I Have Loved You' (John 15:12)

* Badgers class swimming lessons on Tuesday *

Welcome to our Year 3 and Year 4 Squirrels Class

Our Class Teacher is Mrs Hillier and our Teaching Assistants are Mrs Leatham and Mrs Sweeney

Click on the links to find out more about our class:

Autumn 2 term newsletter Squirrels 2023-2024

Autumn 1 Newsletter Squirrels 2023-2024

Squirrels Parents curriculum Meeting 2023-24

Squirrels class reading book

Spring 1 term newsletter Squirrels 2023-24

Spring term 2 newsletter Squirrels

Summer term 1 newsletter Squirrels 2023-24

Summer Term

Our Key Question this term is "What is a world without colour?"

Step into the NHS competition

Some children chose to enter the Step into the NHS competition. The entries have been sent off. Good luck to you all!

Reading for Pleasure

Now it is the summer term we are enjoying using our outside area, as well as our beanbags, for reading for pleasure.


We have been learning about rocks and soils. We have learnt about different types of rock, how fossils are formed and different types of soil.
We have done experiments to see which soil is the best draining soil and also put our soil into water, shaken it and left all the sediments to settle and separate.

Spring Term


Some of us entered the school Easter bonnet and Easter garden competition. Below are some of the entries.

Milestones Museum

We visited Milestones Museum to revisit our learning on how children's lives have changed. It was a fantastic place to visit.

Science Week

We started the week by looking at whether fruit slowed down the process of jelly setting. We had to design a way to record our results and then check the jellies regularly. We used a control jelly which set the quickest. The jellies with the fresh pineapple in them didn't set at all! However, the tinned pineapple, peaches and raspberries all set not long after our control one.
We then looked at rocks to decide whether they would easily erode and what uses they could have for us. We used vinegar, water and a nail.
We had a visitor in who helped us with the circulation in our bodies and did a stomp rocket experiment, looking at whether the amount of water in the bottle made a difference to how far it travelled!

World Book Day 2024

We all dressed up as animals because we are enjoying at the "Interview with ...." books by Andy Seed. We made bookmarks, had a house quiz, painted animal plates and had our own class quiz. We read our own mixed up fairy tale stories to the other classes in school.

Kelly Simm

Kelly Simm came to visit the school. We all did a round of exercises with her before she spoke about her journey in gymnastics. She told us we should all follow our dreams and work hard to achieve them.


We have been learning about still life. We used what we have learnt to draw flowers for our Mothering Sunday cards.

The Bridge came in to talk to us about how Light, Water and Bread relate to God and Jesus.


We have been learning about States of matter. We have found out the properties of solids, liquids and gases. We have done experiments with ice cubes to see what affect different temperatures of water had on them. We timed how long our finger took to dry on it's own and with us blowing on it. We also looked at how the water cycle worked using a glass jar, ice, foil and warm coloured water.

On-line safety day

We were learning to understand that technology's design can influence people's choices. We learnt that persuasive design is what companies use to try to persuade us to use their apps and purchase things from them. We then thought about how the internet influences us and how it can change people's thoughts, feelings and behaviour both positively and negatively.
We had a taster session of badminton. Great fun!

Number Day

We all dressed up in numbers and did fun maths activities to raise money for the NSPCC.


Christmas sewing. We all designed and made a felt hanging decoration. Our brief was to use a patch to applique onto our decoration and to use cross stitch either to sew the patch on or as decoration.

We made Christmas biscuits. We had to read the recipe and follow it in the correct order. We used maths because we had to weigh out all the ingredients accurately. Mrs Hillier and Mrs Sweeney put our biscuits in the oven for us.

Saint Nicholas

We all took part in fund-raising for Children in Need and Alzheimers.

Anti-bullying week

We all participated in anti-bullying week.  We wore our odd socks and invented our own anti-bullying heroes.

Diwali Dance Worshop

Remembrance Day

We wrote poems about remembrance.

Story telling through drawing

We have been thinking about story telling through drawing. We looked at different artists before practicing with different mediums. We then chose how we wanted to illustrate our concertina Jabberwocky Book. We shared our books with the Badgers class.

Anglo Saxon Workshop

We had a wonderful Anglo Saxon workshop where we learnt about how the Anglo Saxons lived, what tools and weapons they had, how they dressed, who their kings were, what games they played, how they wrote and how they fought.

Harvest Sheaf Loaf
We made a harvest sheaf loaf for our Harvest Festival

We are learning about forces. We thought about the different ways we could move balls.

In PE we are learning to play hockey.