Newton Tony Primary School (CE VC)

'Love One Another As I Have Loved You' (John 15:12)

* Badgers class swimming lessons on Tuesday *
Welcome to Foxes class
We are the Year 1 and Year 2 class
Our teachers are Miss Steer and Mrs Copping
Our Teaching Assistants are Mrs Smith and Mrs Sweeney
Please see the Summer Term Curriculum Newsletter.  Please share with your children and look at all the exciting things we have to come!
Foxes Summer 1 Newsletter 2024.docx

Shapes everywhere!

This week we have been focusing on learning 2D and 3D shapes.  We have been drawing 2D shapes and making shape monsters, using the giant 2D and 3D shapes to make real life models, naming and exploring the differences between 2D and 3D shape, making repeating patterns and finally focusing on features of the shapes.  With 2D shapes, the shapes that sides and vertices.  For 3D shapes, they have faces, vertices and edges.  The children were able to draw regular and irregular 2D shapes and identify that a triangle is still a triangle if it has 3 sides.  


Today the children in English  have been learning how to write a set of instructions.  We did our own class set of instructions to the song ‘Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes’ and then Year 1 created a set of instructions to make a shape and pattern out of multilink and  Year 2 focused on drawing a picture and writing a set of instructions on how they drew it.  The children worked together as a team and impressed us all!

Tasting in Foxes!

Today we tasted lots of different fruits.  We tried strawberry, limes, lemons, oranges, avocado and bananas.  We then decided after tasting the fruits which fruits we would like to add to our smoothies.  Everyone did really well at trying them and Foxes as a whole loved the strawberries the best. 

Dogs Trust 

Dogs trust came in to speak to the children about how to care for Dogs.  They had a school assembly on how to be careful around dogs and then a class assembly on how to care for dogs and other small animals.  Thank you Dogs Trust for coming into our school to teach us more about dogs. 

DT in Foxes

This term, DT has closely linked to healthy lifestyle choices in PSHE.  The children have been exploring different fruits and their textures.  Next week, we will be creating and tasting a mixture of different fruits and vegetables. 

World Book Day in Foxes 

We all dressed up as animals because we are reading and creating our own version of the “Interview with ….” books by Andy Seed. We made bookmarks, painted animal plates and lots more exciting tasks. We loved all of the outfits!



In PSHE this term we have been focusing on how to stay healthy and make healthy balanced lifestyle choices.  This week we focused on things that are safe and unsafe.  We worked in groups to organise photos of different things in our house and had discussions about how certain things could be safe and unsafe.  

Place Value


Year 1 have been focusing on place value and understanding how  numbers up to 50 are created. We looked at comparing numbers such as 32 and 23 and looked into how they were different.  We used the dienes practically at first to identify how the numbers were made up of tens and ones and then we started to pictorially create representations of the numbers.  

Athlete comes to Foxes! 



Kelly Simm, a famous English gymnast came to visit the school. We all did a round of exercises with her before she spoke about her journey into gymnastics. Foxes told her that they have been doing gymnastics this term too!
Christmas in Foxes!

We had an amazing time celebrating Christmas and loved our Christmas Craft Afternoon.  All the children got to make different Christmas crafts such as a handprint holly wreath, Christmas cards and even some salt dough decorations! Thank you again to all parents who came to support their children. 
Elves in Foxes!


This year, we took part in the Alzheimer’s Society’s Elf Day on Thursday 7th December 2023. We dressed as an elf for the day and raised a lot of money! Thank you to everyone who donated. 
DT project in Foxes – We made puppets!
Have a look at some of the  fantastic puppets we made in DT.  The children looked at different ways of joining fabrics after they designed their own puppet. They made and joined their own puppets together, decorated their puppets and then evaluated the overall process.  We currently have them at school and will be creating a fantastic display in our classroom with them. 
PSHE in Foxes

We have come to the end of our topic and have created our very own Gingerbread person.  Our topic was around ‘Celebrating Differences’ and we looked at how we are similar and different to our friends.  We looked and spoke about what Bullying is and how we can battle it.  We also championed and celebrated how we are all difference and unique! Here are some fantastic pieces of work below!
Looking after our pets!

We had a very special zoom today from the Blue Cross who were excited to tell us about how to keep our pets safe. We learnt how to make extra special dog treats for Christmas and what food dogs and cats should and shouldn’t eat.  We even had a special visitor as Santa needed help deliver presents to the pets.  He had lost the letters from responsible pet owners about what the animals needed and then we made sure the animals got their presents! Thank you to Blue Cross for running this zoom.  
Fun Fact – Did you know that dogs cannot eat raisins, onions, sweets and chocolate as they are poisonous! 
Giraffes Can’t Dance
The children in English have been looking into the story called ‘Giraffes can’t dance’ by Giles Andreae. The children acted out the story and even learn to dance like the animals in the story.  We loved the rock and roll Rhinos!  The children have also then been changing a part of the story and creating their own version.  
Diwali Dancing

We had a fantastic visitor come into school to teach us some Indian dancing to help us celebrate Diwali.  We learnt about the story of Rama and Sita and then proceeded to learn a dance with some popular Indian Bollywood dance moves.  Here are some of the photos of our exciting visit! 


Taking Art Outside!

We have loved taking Art outside and using different techniques to create natural pictures using different objects.  Some examples can be seen above. 
Foxes go to the zoo!




We had the most amazing time visiting Marwell Zoo on our school trip! We went on a coach and then went to spot a lot of different animals.  We learnt some fun facts about them and discussed the different habitats they live in and how they would live if they were in the wild.  We were even more lucky as we were able to see the Snow Leopard! She was called Irina and was born in 2008.